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General Data Protection Regulations - Members Personal Information


The Lymm Twin Town Society (LTTS) currently holds the following personal information in a Membership List concerning you:

  • Your title

  • Your surname

  • Your given name

  • Your partner’s name (if applicable)

  • Your Child/Children’s names and approximate ages

  • Your postal address

  • Your home phone number

  • Your mobile phone number/s and that of your partner if supplied

  • Your e-mail address and that of your partner if supplied.


And the following additional information on your Membership Application form where applicable – please note we do not hold MAF records for every member. 


  • Your preferences about Children Friendly and Smoking

  • Food and pet allergies,

  • Professions

  • Social Interests

  • Schools attended by children

  • Level of French

All for the purposes of matching hosts and guests and arranging the Society events


This information is held as follows: -

  • A membership list in Excel format held primarily on a computer administered by 2 nominated Committee members

  • A membership list held securely by Committee Members and Dinner Club Coordinator in hard copy form only.

  • Your Membership Application forms in original hard copy or soft copy form.


That information is and will be used by the Society for purposes only in connection with the running of the Society and the Dinner Club, which includes communication by post, telephone and e-mail.  It will never be disclosed for marketing purposes.


The membership list will NOT be posted on any website.

Emails will be sent to yourselves and not show the email addresses of other members.


The membership list and application form data is shared with Meung-Sur-Loire Twin Town Society for the purposes of coordinating the exchange visits and pairing English and French families.


Any computer data retained will either be held encrypted or password protected. Each Committee Member may hold one paper copy of membership details. Any redundant paper copies of membership details will be securely destroyed. Contact details may be provided to members when it is needed to facilitate the running of the Society and provide the benefits of membership to you.


Your details can be removed or amended from our stored records within 28 days of a written, or email request from you addressed to the Secretary or the for the time being of the Society.


If you cease to be a member of the Society for any reason, the Society will retain a record of your name, the date you became a member, the date you ceased to be a member and reason for that.  All other stored records in whatever form will be destroyed.


You have a right to complain the Information Commissioner’s Office if you believe there is a problem with the Society’s handling of your data.


You consent to LTTS holding the above information for the purposes of running the Society unless we hear otherwise. If you have any questions please contact a Committee Member.

Lymm Twin Town Society

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