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Royal Exchange, Thursday January 12th 2017

Peter organised a post-Christmas outing to the Royal Exchange, Manchester, to see their festive production, which this time will be the musical "Sweet Charity"


Spring Supper, 11th Saturday March

A very successful "Movie Themed" Event. Five Lymm high school pupils kicked off the evening with a very accomplished musical concert. they drew inspiration from the Movies with compositions that included the Dambusters, The Lion King and the TV Sherlock theme. We were all genuinely surprised at just how good these musicians were.


Next up was the a "Poulet Bonne Femme" dish made by the committee and other members who had volunteered. This was followed by a Movie Quiz, the members deserts and finally a raffle.


This was one of the best and most fun Spring events we have host. Click on the picture opposite for a few pictures of the event.



French Visit, 18th - 22nd April

We believe that they went home tired but happy. Especially after their 16 hour coach trip home.
The visit started off well with a Welcome Drink at Lymm hall (opposite). This was followed by various events where we took our visitors to see the sights of the area. Finally on Friday we came together again for a meal at Statham Lodge. Pictures of the visit and a fuller write up can be found on the "Previous Exchanges" page.



Boules Afternoon, Sunday 14th May

There were not as  many people at the Boules afternoon (a clash of events in Lymm). However the sun shone and were were able to provide the usual format of a few fun games of boules followed by drinks and a bowl of fruit that enabled us all to catch up on all the latest news. 


Many thanks to Richard and Karen for providing the venue.


The picture shows Roger and Barbara preparing to receive their accolade as the winners of the afternoon. Click on the picture or this text to see a few more pictures taken at the event.


Summer Barbecue, Sunday 16th July

Sunday started out wet. However there was hope. The weather forecast for the afternoon was good and that was how it turned out. The sun came out. Richard and Karen's garden dried out and it proved a great social event for everyone. Many thanks to the team of helpers who made the afternoon a success. Practically everyone chipped in and it would be a very long list to thank everyone.


This is the 4th year in succession that the sun has shone on our barbecue. Long may it continue. Click on the picture above for just a few more pictures from the event.

Autumn Meal, Thursday 12th October

The Cote Brasserie in Hale provided excellent food for about 30 of us on Thursday, 12th October at 6 Many thanks to Maggie for organising the event and working out the bill afterwards!

AGM, Friday 24th November  7 p.m.

We have had to bring this forward a week and hence change the venue. Please can we meet at 7 p.m. on Thursday, 24th November in the upstairs room at the Spread Eagle.


The meeting will mostly be to review the questionnaire that you will be receiving shortly about how the club should be run and funded in the coming year. Please let us know if you are coming as we need numbers. There should be plenty of time for socialising afterwards. We will be asking the pub to provide sandwiches and chips afterwards. So there will be a charge of £5 on the door.


Please do try and come along.

Lymm Twin Town Society

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